30 Days of Thankfulness

Day 1: 30 Days of Thankfulness

Happy November! Can you believe that it is already November? However did time pass so quickly? Well, now it’s time for Day 1 of my 30 Days of Thankfulness challenge. For the next month I will be posting what I am thankful for in preparation for the month of Thanksgiving! 

Today {and everyday} I am thankful for a warm, cozy house to come home to. In the blustery month of November in mountainous regions, there is nothing cozier than sitting before a flickering fireplace, wrapped up in a fluffy blanket, sitting next to the ones you love at home. 

There are many people who aren’t fortunate enough to have a place to call home where they can cuddle up in front of a fireplace. Today especially in these cold temperatures, I am more thankful than ever for having this blessing. 

After all, Laura Ingalls Wilder once said, “Home is the nicest word there is”, and I have to agree. 🙂 

See you tomorrow!



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P.S. If you want some ideas for your own Thanksgiving challenge, I highly reccommend travelling on over to kaileymichelle.com and checking out her list! 🙂 

12 thoughts on “Day 1: 30 Days of Thankfulness

    1. Haha, well I guess that’s what a lack of altitude will do for you! 🙂 It was in the 50s here today, but I want it to be even cooler so that it will snow!!!


  1. I know!! November came waaaay too fast. :O I’m looking forward to your posts this month!! 😀 It’s so good to be reminded of so many things we take for granted, that the Lord has blessed us with.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love November.. this is usually the month that we get snow so, hopefully…? 🙂
      Yes, I need reminders of blessings, especially on my bad days when I tend to get a little negative.
      Thanks for your comment, TerraJewel ( I love that name :))


      1. Haha really?! Here where I live it’s surprisingly rare that we get snow until right before or after Christmas. 😉
        Aww, thanks. ❤


      2. The way it’s shaping up to be this year, we might not get snow until later as well. My parents would be glad if it didn’t snow much, but my sister and I have plans for massive snow forts so we are praying for a *reasonable* snowfall amount. 🙂
        ♥♥♥ Laura


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